Psychology of the Paranoid Stalker Blogger

Let us for a minute analyze the psychology of the stalkers and see if they fit the bill for Paranoid Personality Disorder. We’ll compare them with the step for identifying it from this source at

Step 1

Know that people with paranoid personality disorder are often socially isolated and view others with distrust. People with this disorder tend to view the world as hostile and threatening. They often blame others and accuse them of having evil motives.

Step 2

Realize that people with paranoid personality disorder treat others with suspicion. They expect to be slighted or exploited. They are easily offended and hold grudges for an unreasonable length of time.

Step 3

Recognize that people with paranoid personality disorder tend to be overly sensitive, intolerant and unnecessarily critical when dealing with others. Individuals with this disorder often have an attitude of arrogance and superiority. They are unwilling and unaware of any defects or weaknesses in their own personality.

Step 4

Understand that people with this disorder may appear cold and callous to others. They often lack a sense of humor and are consistently intense and on-guard for any perceived threat.

Step 5

Treat the disorder. Treatment options are often limited for individuals with paranoid personality disorder. The use of any medications is often met with suspicion and the individual refuses to comply with the medication regimen. The overall lack of trust in anyone makes the establishment of a psychotherapeutic relationship impossible.

To compare, here is the analysis of the stalker bloggers:

1) “They often blame others and accuse them of having evil motives.” This is observable daily at LGF2.0, not the least of which are the administrators themselves.

2) “They are easily offended and hold grudges for an unreasonable length of time.” Again, hair trigger knee-jerks are a daily occurrence at LGF2.0 in numerous comments from numerous sources. Of course, with the number of multiple sock puppets in frequent use by these stalkers, it’s possible this trait is being magnified.

3) “Recognize that people with paranoid personality disorder tend to be overly sensitive, intolerant and unnecessarily critical when dealing with others. Individuals with this disorder often have an attitude of arrogance and superiority. They are unwilling and unaware of any defects or weaknesses in their own personality.” Not only do the stalkers fail to see what’s wrong with themselves, we can chalk this trait up to Pamela Geller too.

4) “They often lack a sense of humor and are consistently intense and on-guard for any perceived threat.” This is particularly true of Rodan, who sees threats around every corner, even the most innocuous comment will send him on a tirade.

5) “Treat the disorder.” Considering number 3 on this list, it is unlikely that the stalkers themselves would be able to seek out treatment in that they don’t see anything as being wrong with them. Perhaps some of their peers/friends can get through to them, but in light of their suspicions of others, this seems a remote chance.

One might ponder if the sane people who spend time at LGF2.0 might reconsider exactly what it is they’re supporting. Only time will tell.

205 Responses to “Psychology of the Paranoid Stalker Blogger”

  1. Gail Spurlock Says:

    lol…I go to lgf for a daily dose of sanity. It is where I found the link to this little column, my daily dose of humor.


    Gail S

  2. Irish Rose Says:

    *One might ponder if the sane people who spend time at LGF2.0 might reconsider exactly what it is they’re supporting. Only time will tell.*

    What the “sane” people there are doing – whether they realize it or not – is supporting and encouraging at least two very sick individuals who are dangerously obsessed, on a level that is borderline criminal, to continue their relentless targeting of an innocent individual.

    Clearly there are those at 2.0 who would like to reform the place, and introduce some civility into the discussion. It’s never gonna happen.

    They fail to understand that the people running the show at 2.0 are mentally unstable and have no use for their registrants whatsoever, aside for their minor and insignificant contributions to the site by way of membership count, blogroll links, traffic and sycophantic commentary. The individuals who established this blog and foot the bill are not as interested in establishing a cozy internet “community” at 2.0, as much as some of their members like to think they are.

    As far as Savage and Rodan are concerned, their registrants are simply another tool for them to use to stroke their own massive egos and achieve their ultimate agenda: tearing down and destroying their chosen target.

    And every person who is reading this blog today, knows full well who that target is.

    It’s only a matter of time before the sickos who run the place finally decide that they’re tired of letting the “nice” people be their front men, and unleash their full measure of poisonous vitriol on the “drones” who contribute to their hit count. A smart person – a sane person – would understand that they are being used and exploited by these two individuals, wipe the dust off their shoes, and never go back.

    If a “community” is what they want then they’d be wise to abandon this hate-infested blog altogether, take a famethrower to the place before they go, and set up their own “community” elsewhere. It’s easy enough to do, all that you need is a WordPress or Blogger account.

    2.0 is beyond redemption, and it deserves to be razed to the ground.

  3. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    1) “They often blame others and accuse them of having evil motives.” This is observable daily at LGF2.0, not the least of which are the administrators themselves.

    2) “They are easily offended and hold grudges for an unreasonable length of time.”
    3) “Recognize that people with paranoid personality disorder tend to be overly sensitive, intolerant and unnecessarily critical when dealing with others.
    4) “They often lack a sense of humor and are consistently intense and on-guard for any perceived threat.”
    – – – –

    In other words, when Charles subjects someone to the internet equivalent of a thug’s kidney punch, he says: “Hey, don’t stay mad!Can’tcha take a joke? Why are you so sensitive?”

    Like any playground thug.

    Charles, go fellate a diseased walrus.

    PS I notice you’re not posting here very much these days. You’ve obviously run out of people to ban at LGF0.0. Either you have them trained or nobody’s joining any more. Maybe both.

  4. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    PS: Hey, IrishBooze, please note that the fact that (say) Rodan is an asshole doesn’t make Charles any less of one.

    • Irish Rose Says:

      You really believe that your shit doesn’t stink, don’t you?

      I enjoy watching you twist yourself into a pretzel trying to divide your rabid, spittle-flecked hatred equally between two people.

      The only difference between your two targets, Esq., is that Charles doesn’t give a rats’ ass what you think and he’s not impressed by your narcissistic grandiosity.

      My opinion: you could use a good mental health assessment yourself, friend.

      • m Says:

        IR is telling someone they need a mental assessment?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! loveit.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        You really believe that your shit doesn’t stink, don’t you?>>

        IrishBooze, you have just revealed yourself as Charles.

        Please take your place in line before the above-mentioned wealrus.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        You really believe that your shit doesn’t stink, don’t you?>>

        Oh, it stinks all right. But its stench-power is generated through naturally-evolved methanes and ketones. The stench of hatred that you, Charles-IrishBooze-Moosebitch-et.-al.-other-sockpuppets generate(s) make it seem a veritable Chanel by comparison.

  5. Spartacus Says:

    Hey Defenseman, you described Chuckles Johnson and lackeys such as Hoosier Hoops, Sharmutant, Irish Rose, ad NY Nana to a “T”. Has Killgore’s mom let him out of the basement yet?

  6. Jay Says:

    You are one well trained “Lizaroid”

    Or as most normal people would say boot-licker

  7. gclaghorn Says:

    Oh, please.

    1) “They often blame others and accuse them of having evil motives.” This is observable daily at LGF2.0, not the least of which are the administrators themselves.

    Because Charles NEVER does this, right? Pamela Geller dared to raise a question about one thing Charles said, after all the years she had vigorously supported him, and she was immediately given the bum’s rush at 1.0 and equated to a nazi. Charles never addressed the point she was trying to make; rather, he based his entire argument with her off of the fact that he thought she was his friend. Did I miss his apology to Pamela somewhere?

    Realize that people with paranoid personality disorder treat others with suspicion. They expect to be slighted or exploited. They are easily offended and hold grudges for an unreasonable length of time.

    Charles’s crusade against Christianity comes to mind. Also, when I questioned his opinion that Ann Coulter was a white supremacist/closet-Nazi, which eventually got me banned, he literally asked me, “What’s your purpose here?”

    And as for the whole grudge thing, he blocked me from accessing his website, or rather, tried to block me from accessing his website, because I said mean things about him. If Charles doesn’t hold grudges, why does he (a) block the accounts of commenters who dare to dissent from the groupthink and (b) block access to his site from LGF2?

    “Recognize that people with paranoid personality disorder tend to be overly sensitive, intolerant and unnecessarily critical when dealing with others. Individuals with this disorder often have an attitude of arrogance and superiority. They are unwilling and unaware of any defects or weaknesses in their own personality.” Not only do the stalkers fail to see what’s wrong with themselves, we can chalk this trait up to Pamela Geller too.

    Again, he has never objectively considered the points of people who disagree with him. Rather, he slanders them as nazis and then refuses to respond on the grounds that his libelous guilt-by-association tactics are proof positive that they are not worthy of listening to his learned political musings.

    “They often lack a sense of humor and are consistently intense and on-guard for any perceived threat.” This is particularly true of Rodan, who sees threats around every corner, even the most innocuous comment will send him on a tirade.

    HAHAHAHA! Because Charles has quite the sense of humor, right? Uh huh. Whatever you say.

    “Treat the disorder.” Considering number 3 on this list, it is unlikely that the stalkers themselves would be able to seek out treatment in that they don’t see anything as being wrong with them. Perhaps some of their peers/friends can get through to them, but in light of their suspicions of others, this seems a remote chance.

    I will gladly drive Charles to the nearest mental institution if he consents to it. He can think about it and get back to me.

    • Anonymous Says:

      Your mask has slipped, clag. You weren’t registered at LGF when Geller attacked CJ. You registered a year after that, yet you now claim it as part of your complaint against LGF. This goes to show that you were never honest in your intentions at LGF, and the few Lizards that have stated they never trusted you were justified in their suspicions as was CJ himself when he asked what you were doing at his blog.

      Or it might be that CJ was correct that your IP matches the IP of another administrator and that you are a sock puppet. But that would again mean your complaint against LGF was their rightful mistrust of your intentions which we now see were justified.

      Either way- it was you that was lying from the start. Your anger is a fantasy.

      • gclaghorn Says:

        I am *NOT* a sock puppet, nor have I ever been. I registered at LGF with the purest of intentions, after having heard rave reviews about the blog from friends and acquaintances.

        But unfortunately, I didn’t agree with Charles 100%, and even if I agreed with him 99%, he simply couldn’t have that. I was nothing but respectful to him during my time there, and he turned around and kicked me in the ass, while slandering me after he knew I couldn’t respond.

        BTW, anyone can read the archives at LGF. I didn’t need to be around back then to see what happened. Don’t fucking call me a liar, you stupid POS.

      • m Says:

        Nope. Gclaghorn does not share an IP with me. I’ve seen the accusation, and I can tell you flat out that it is a lie. GCLAGHORN is not me (i’m not even sure what state he is in), and I don’t know why your master thinks it is cute to claim that, but it makes all of you guys look like idiots.


        /those kind of lies don’t count, huh? The master is allowed? lol NUTCASE!

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        Ah think n and Glag are two different people but huv postit from the same address at certain times. Hope ah’m no lettin the cat oot o the bag there.

      • m Says:

        Nope. No cat, no bag. I have never met Gclaghorn in my life. It’s funny that you guys think you have it all figured out, though.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        Yese huv shared logins then.

      • m Says:

        Nope. Boy, gclaghorn and I are in your heads something fierce! lol

  8. gclaghorn Says:

    BTW, defenseman and Irish Poser, you could learn a lot from this eHow article.

  9. AZfederalist Says:

    Wow, project much there bunkie?

    Clue to Chuckie: “stalker” — that word doesn’t mean what you think it means. However, it does apply to “outing” the identities of various folks involved in another newsgroup. It does apply to the designation of so-called “monitor lizards” to watch your blog and make sure nobody is saying bad things about you. “stalker” does apply to having your minions monitor other blogs to see if any of your own members are making comments of which you may not approve (so-called going “rogue”). Stalker fits pretty well the description of those actions. We won’t even go into the attempt to get other blog owners to change behaviors and hew to your line of thinking and behavior.

    This article was a good exposition of PPD behavior and describes Chuckie to a “T”. LGF2.0 folks? Not so much.

  10. AZfederalist Says:

    Oh, forgot the PPD evidence by shutting down a capability on your website because stuff was being said that you couldn’t monitor (the lounge). Must have really grated on you that you weren’t able to go back in postings to see who was saying what so they could be banned as well.

  11. African Moondog Says:

    “One might ponder if the sane people who spend time at LGF2.0 might reconsider exactly what it is they’re supporting. Only time will tell.”

    WTF is that supposed to mean? LGF2 is where people who happen to enjoy the site congregate. ChenZhen supports and opposes different issues to, say, Wrath and because of the diversity there is an interesting and enjoyable blog. If that upsets a thin skinned fella who runs another site, that can’t be helped.

  12. Mats Says:

    I can’t believe this. “Defeseman”, or as I will call, him, “Bagdad Bob” Man, honestly tries to defend Darwinist Rage Boy?

    Amazing. I think you’ll have an easier job defending the Iranian thugs currently killing innocent civilians, while Darwinist Rage Boy is busy fighting creationism and conservatives, and Obama is eating ice cream.

    • Dark_Falcon Says:

      Have you even LOOKED at LGF in the last few days?! Charles has posted a large of threads on Iran. He also posted some on science issues that matter to him, but these were greatly outnumbered. Know the facts before you speak.

      • Mats Says:

        Well, you are right on one thing: I haven’t checked Liberal Green Footballs much lately, but from time to time I hold my nose and dwell therein. What do I find? The same schtick as most of the time: creationists are evil, conservatives are fools, “let’s give Obama a chance”, yadda yadda yadda, etc, etc.

        I repeat, Bagdad Bob Defesnseman should find an easier job, like, hunting sharks barehanded, or chasing the wind.

        But, hey, if it makes him happy, fine.

      • phoenixgirl Says:

        hi dark falcon, i don’t understand why you are still there.

  13. Anon Says:

    I wonder how long it’ll be before this thread locks out further comment, like the other threads.

    Same problem as with LGF – we’re being moderated by the same people who kicked us out before. There won’t be a reasonable hearing here, and as soon as the heat gets too much for the moderator he’ll simply lock the thread and try another abusive tack. And there’s no reason to tolerate the authority of this guy; there are plenty of alternate sites to express our opinions.

    We’ve established something at least. There are plenty of people who have been unfairly abused at LGF, and the people in charge there aren’t the least bit sorry about it. In fact they’re looking to continue the abusive behavior in new forums.

    If I have something to say about Charles and Co. I’ll voice it elsewhere – because I don’t want one of his sycophants controlling what I am and am not allowed to post. I’d suggest new threads on LGF 2.0 to address anything people want to speak about that comes up here. But there’s no point to further posting in this forum.

    I’m otta here. Catch you all back at the base.

  14. Anonymous Says:

    Perhaps next we can see “chen zhen, gclaghorn and sociopathy”.

    • African Moondog Says:

      ChenZhen might be a sociopath but he is a very witty sociopath so I certainly do enjoy.

  15. Anonymous Says:

    You must be very proud of yourself.

    • African Moondog Says:

      Anon, I am very proud over some things, other things make me cringe with shame, like most other people I suppose. Enjoying a blog is not one of the cringe worthy things, although I would like to reach through the ether and shake certain bloggers and commentators and yell “get a grip dammit!” on the odd occasion. One of the reasons why I stopped visiting LGF01 is that Mandy Manners made me want to do that on more than the odd occasion.

  16. Sandy Says:

    Im wondering who did this it doesnt look like defense kman.

  17. Hmmm Says:

    This post is pretty funny considering that your a stalker blog of a stalker blog.

  18. Anonymous Says:

    gclaghorn Says:

    “I am *NOT* a sock puppet, nor have I ever been.”

    You are a liar. You have been revealed on LGF for having multiple sock puppets, including “Anxiously Laughing”.

    15 minutes after registering “gclaghorn” you asked Charles the process he used to spot sockpuppets. So much for your pure intentions, Liar.

    • gclaghorn Says:

      Charles never announced that I registered “Anxiously Laughing”, as far as I know. How would you know this, without being an admin at LGF?

      Hi Charles. How are things in your fantasy world?

      • Dark_Falcon Says:

        How are things in yours, you troll? Charles could have emailed someone privately and told them who the sockpuppet really was. Get over yourself.

    • gclaghorn Says:

      And yes, I registered sock puppets. That was after I was banned. And I never asked Charles about the process he used to spot sockpuppets. IIRC, I told him how neat it was that he could catch them so fast, and being a web developer, asked him if he used conventional methods, as a reference for future web development.

  19. Sarge Says:

    “…the psychology of the stalkers”. Mega-LOLZ!!1! The irony meter has gone off the scale. Sproinnnnngggg! Oh, now you’ve gone and broke the poor thing.

    Defarceman, get thee a mirror.

  20. A Nonny Moose Says:

    # gclaghorn Says:
    June 22, 2009 at 7:33 am | Reply

    Charles never announced that I registered “Anxiously Laughing”, as far as I know. How would you know this, without being an admin at LGF?

    Hi Charles. How are things in your fantasy world?

    LOL. Yer fulla shite Glaggy boy. CJ did post that on LGF, for all tae see. Looks like the unthinkable has happened – there’s actually a bit o LGF somewhere (which yer no obsessed wi at all, remember) thit ye missed oot on readin.

  21. A Nonny Moose Says:

    Ah see the right honerabol Richard Hell Bent EsQueer m’lud is still aff his meds tae.

  22. Anonymous Says:

    claghorn- I’m most certainly not CJ. That you would jump to this conclusion is the ultimate example of the very paranoia being pointed out by this post.

  23. Irish Rose Says:

    m sez:

    Nope. Gclaghorn does not share an IP with me. I’ve seen the accusation, and I can tell you flat out that it is a lie. GCLAGHORN is not me (i’m not even sure what state he is in), and I don’t know why your master thinks it is cute to claim that, but it makes all of you guys look like idiots.


    /those kind of lies don’t count, huh? The master is allowed? lol NUTCASE!

    I know what kind of man Charles Johnson is, and it’s why I vouch for his character.

    You? You’re a flaming, obsessed, psychotic bitch with authority issues. You’re mean as hell.
    And you lie like an old rug.

    I’ll take his word over yours, any day of the week.

    • gclaghorn Says:

      You? You’re a flaming, obsessed, psychotic bitch with authority issues. You’re mean as hell.
      And you lie like an old rug.

      And of course you are the better woman for having called her all that.

      • m Says:

        Someone’s getting her panties in a wad. Probably the only action you’ve had in awhile, so I’ll let it slide…

        oh, and authority issues? Really?

        HAHAHAHAHA! Charles doesn’t hold any authority over me or anyone else (ok, you guys but not normal people).

        Too funny~

      • Irish Rose Says:

        I’m calling it like I see it.

        No decent woman in her right frame of mind would particpate in – and enjoy – the type of hostile, abusive, libelous activities that she engages in 24/7. Her rancid behavior speaks volunes about the kind of person that she is and as far as I’m concerned, she has zero credibility. Neither do her associates.

      • m Says:

        And of course you are the better woman for having called her all that.

        Oh yeah. I think IR has been hanging around the Sharmutant too long. The crazy is rubbing off.

    • Sarge Says:

      Say Rose, what happened to your icon? You know… the Celtic cross one? The one that CJ declared was incontrovertible evidence of European White Power Evil Mean and Nasty Racism? …or that anyone who has an image of the Celtic cross associated with them, or on their bookcases and such, is surely a racist and must be EXPOSED!

      Oh. Oh I see. Defarceman has turned off the icons.

      I guess we’ll never know for sure if you chose that icon for a reason.

      Your silence is deafening.

  24. r Says:

    Irish Rose, you stayed with a malignant narcissist for twenty years and have the cheek to dump your contempt on m? Seems you cashed that guy in for yet another abusive relationship.Some women never learn, so sad.

  25. Anonymous Says:

    The typed out crazed laugh really adds a “no really- I’m not crazy” quality to your comments.

    • Sarge Says:

      HaHaHaHaHaHa! You so funny!

      “Anonymous” as your nick really shows you’re “unafraid” of people finding out who your “real” internet fake persona is, cause you’re not crazy paranoid. I think you can figure out who I am.

      “Rock”, meet “glass house”. ” ” “”””””””””

    • Sarge Says:

      Tsk, tsk. Naughty bad Anonymous. Using curse words.

      Now, don’t go and get all angry. Here’s a cookie:

      .—. .—.
      : : o : me give you cookie!
      _..-: o : :-.._ /
      .-” ‘ `—‘ `—‘ ” “-.
      .’ ” ‘ ” . ” . ‘ ” `.
      : ‘.—.,,.,…,.,.,.,..—. ‘ ;
      `. ” `. .’ ” .’
      `. ‘`. .’ ‘ .’
      `. `-._ _.-‘ ” .’ .—-.
      `. ” ‘”–…–“‘ . ‘ .’ .’ o `.
      .’`-._’ ” . ” _.-‘`. : o :
      jgs .’ “`–…..–”’ ‘ `:_ o :
      .’ ” ‘ ” ” ; `.;”;”;”;’
      ; ‘ ” ‘ . ; .’ ; ; ;
      ; ‘ ‘ ‘ ” .’ .-‘
      ‘ ” ” ‘ ” ” _.-‘
      (I hope that works, it’s supposed to be cookie monster, NOM NOM NOM!)

  26. m Says:

    Irish ReRe- BOO!


    • Irish Rose Says:

      Speak english, or get out.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        I notice you didn’t say that to AnnoyMoose. Of course, you know exactly what the Moose has to say, as you are all Charles.

        God, you are truly pathetic.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        “I notice you didn’t say that to AnnoyMoose. Of course, you know exactly what the Moose has to say, as you are all Charles.

        God, you are truly pathetic.”

        Definition o paranoid right there. Aye ok then Richie boy if it makes ye feel ony better – we’re aw Charles even those o us thit only read LGF.

        An a speak lallans which is a perfictly cromulant form o inglish, byrawiy.

    • Anonymous Says:

      This is gibberish. Are you cross-eyed and blowing spit bubbles while you type this sort of response?

      If you’re trying to prove your sanity, you’re doing a very poor job. If you’re trying to prove the article above is true, then you’ve done a marvelous job.

  27. bar Says:

    They are unwilling and unaware of any defects or weaknesses in their own personality.

    Thats complete bullshit. And Irish Rose having a blog hit list of all the unapproved blogs that LGF hates is really rich.

    • Anonymous Says:

      The irony is thick.

    • Anonymous Says:

      I’m not sure how that’s “complete bullshit”. Do you have a link to comment(s) that would show rodan or savage as admitting to personal defects?

      I’m also not sure what Irish Rose’s list has to do with the rest of the point you’re responding to. Are you just typing two random angry thoughts together?

  28. Irish Rose Says:

    m sez:

    June 22, 2009 at 10:10 am
    Someone’s getting her panties in a wad. Probably the only action you’ve had in awhile, so I’ll let it slide…

    Well m, I’m sure that my fiance would disagree with you. He’s a 6 ft 5, 240 lb swede with fat bank account and a taste for classy women, high living and expensive cars. He’s also a bad, bad boy in the bedroom.

    We spent the weekend together and I can assure you that there was plenty of “action”… action of a calibre that someone like you can only dream of.

    Buy yourself a vibrator with multiple settings and a g-spot stimulator, honey. It’s the only way your’re going to get anything even close to what I get to enjoy every weekend.

    • m Says:

      Well evidently he isn’t doing it right or your ass wouldn’t be so wound up all the time! lol

      /taste for classy women? what’s he doing with you?

      Seriously Rose. Seek help. Maybe you and sharmie can apply for a group discount!

      • Irish Rose Says:

        He’s with a woman like me, because he knows that I’m not a woman like you.

        Women like you are not attractive to classy men with taste, honey…. get a clue.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        He’s with a woman like me, because he knows that I’m not a woman like you. >>

        Yes. It appears that “m” has a *much* smaller adam’s apple.

    • gclaghorn Says:

      You’re just overflowing with humility, aren’t you? I can see why you’re fiance loves classy women like you.

      //////////////dripping sarc

    • Sarge Says:

      It’s O.k. Rose, you don’t have to be so defensive or come up with explanations about your personal life. Goodness gracious, I hope you aren’t making any of it up! …because supplying specific details is the hallmark of a lie, when a generalization will do.

      But that’s o.k. too, I used to be a liar as well, but I joined Pathological Liars Anonymous. In fact… I’m the president of the organization!

      I didn’t always lie. No, when I was a kid, I told the truth. But then one day, I got caught stealing money out of my mother’s purse. I lied. I told her it was homework – that my teacher told me to do it. And she got fired! Yeah, that’s what happened!

      After that, lying was easy for me. I lied about my age and joined the army. I was thirteen at the time. Yeah… I went to Vietnam, and I was injured catching a mortar shell in my teeth. And they made me a three-star general! And then I got a job in journalism, writing for the National Enquirer… er, Geographic! Yeah.. I was making twenty thousand a ye… month! In fact, I won the Pulitzer Prize that year! Yeah, that’s the ticket!

      And then my cousin died – Joe Louis – and I took it hard. Maybe too hard – I tried to kill myself. Yeahhh… I did kill myself! Sure! I was medically dead for a week and a half! It was a woman that brought me out of it – Indira Gandhi! Yeah, right! …And she told me about Pathological Liars Anonymous.

      Oh, you’d be surprised how many famous people belong. In fact… at one of the meetings I met my wife – Morgan Fairchild! Yes, I’m a changed man now, and all because of Pathological Liars Anonymous. Why, I – I even have my picture on the cover of Newsweek magazine. Yeah. Every day! Yeah… that’s the ticket! Yeah, you betcha!

    • bar Says:

      So you are both the same size and have the same appearance, BFD!
      Some guys like them big ones, some dont.

      Oh, and after looking over your not-so-nice looking website, perhaps a read up on “fair use” would make you not look so uneducated and just plain dumb.

      I say ugly website like yours should just be razed to the ground.

  29. A Nonny Moose Says:

    Thanks LGF2 fur showin us some of the range o yer various mental derangements, obessions and petty mals. Defensemans article was good, don’t get me wrang, but ther’s nuthin like a practical demonstrashun, and ye didny let us doon.

  30. r Says:

    Hey ninny moose/jimmah, put yer trousers back on yer stinkin up teh place!

  31. r Says:

    Hi Sarge, sorry for the nauseating description.

  32. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    I notice that both Charles Johnson at LGF0.0 and LGF2: The Blogmocracy are flogging readership for their respective sites by showing film of a murdered Iranian woman.

    I regard these images as war porn and anyone (in the U.S. at any rate) who would use this poor woman’s murder by the hands of Islamo-fascist Iranian state security to increase their blog readership as outrageous and hideously disrespectful of her sacrifice.

    The people of Iran are free to use the image to spread the word of resistance. However, there is NO legitimate reason for any American to show the image of her murder.

    And no, I won’t link to either example.

    • bar Says:


      With all due respect, if you read what n2l says in that post, it clearly is not to improve our readership, he is clearly not pimping for that.

  33. Irish Rose Says:

    She hardly needs you to defend her honor, Esq.

    Although I’m sure that it’s gratifying for her to continue to sit back on her ass and let other people, men mostly, step up to the plate on her behalf. Right, m?

    This is how narcissistic, self-absorbed female bullies like her are, you see… they don’t like what someone says to them, so they immediately make it personal (and of course, there is nothing more personal to another woman than her sexuality and personal relationships).

    After attacking their target, they sit back on their imaginary laurels while their target sputters in moral outrage, and watch while other people take up their dirty work for them. She’s doing it right now.

    Just one thing though, I’m not sputtering and raging. I’m laughing my ass off, because I dealt – very handily, I might add – with quite a few catty bitches just like her, during my years in middle and high school. I despised catty girls like her back then, and I despise catty, vapid women like her now.

    I don’t expect you to understand all this, Esq… you being a man and all.

    Hopefully, she’s smart enough to understand that I know more about her than I let on. If she continues to attack my sexuality, or my personal relationships, then she’s going to get it back from me twice as good as she gives… and she’s going to get it back in the form of some very public humiliation.

    I know you’re reading this, m.
    And you know exactly what I’m referring to.
    Be warned.

    By the way, Esq., I’ve seen your photograph.

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      By the way, Esq., I’ve seen your photograph.>>

      Good. That’s why I post it. Handsome guy, ain’t I?

      And yes, I hear the implied threat. And I laugh at you.

    • gclaghorn Says:

      Are you seriously bitching about the mean girls you met in high school? Spare us, please.

      • Irish Rose Says:

        # gclaghorn Says:
        June 22, 2009 at 6:12 pm

        Irish Poser: You aren’t exactly the hottest woman on the planet, either.

        I never said I was.
        My fiance adores me though, and he’s the only one who counts. Your opinion isn’t worth shit.

        # gclaghorn Says:
        June 22, 2009 at 6:11 pm | Reply

        Are you seriously bitching about the mean girls you met in high school? Spare us, please.

        No, I’m making a promise to m that – I assure you – I can keep.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        Your opinion isn’t worth shit.>>

        And yours IS worth exactly that.

    • m Says:

      Oh this is rich. Everything I have ever said is right out there for the world to see. I started at lgf in late 2002, and I’ve posted at JihadWatch, Atlas’, GCP, Babba’s, Myspace, Facebook… have fun looking! I’m not ashamed of anything I’ve said or posted anywhere. I don’t know what you think you have on me, but good luck with that~!


      You’ll learn like charles did with his “outing”. I’m not easily intimidated.


      • m Says:

        The irony meter is off the charts here. Take a look again at Steps 1-5 and then scroll through the “Irish Rose” comments on this page alone.


        Step 5 will set you free Rose! Get thee to treatment! STAT!

      • m Says:

        I take that back. I am ashamed of the way I used to defend Charles. Ugh. In my defense, I didn’t know the real him then.

  34. Shiraz Says:

    Irish Rose,
    You are a cheap Skank and nothing more. You run tricks to pay your rent. I know who you are so keep this up I’ll expose who you really are trick!

  35. bar Says:

    Irish Rose Says:
    June 22, 2009 at 6:35 pm
    I know you’re reading this, m.
    And you know exactly what I’m referring to.
    Be warned.
    No, I’m making a promise to m that – I assure you – I can keep.

    A little Irish Rose blackmail I see. Nice, very nice.
    And 2.0 are the bad guys, its funny crazy time.

    • Irish Rose Says:

      Hardly, all of her comments are public and easily accessible by anyone who knows where to look.

      • bar Says:

        That may be true, but they are not well known nor are they known here and you still are making a threat to expose them here if m doesn’t adhere to your demands.

        So lets review, coercion by threats of public exposure is blackmail.

        Can you not find your way to an on-line dictionary?
        I wonder how many other words you don’t really understand, it’s a rhetorical question.

  36. Irish Rose Says:

    Her comments are all public domain, accessible by anyone with a computer and a working pair of eyes.

    If you want to know whats’ in them, then I guess you’ll have to do your homework.

    I have zero tolerance for bullies and even less tolerance for female bullies, bar. Know this: we all have a line in the sand that we will not allow others to cross, and this one is mine.

    If she flops her hairy toe over that line again, if she takes it down to a personal level a second time, I won’t hesitate to post those unfortunate public comments here on this public blog. It has nothing to do with “demands”, because I don’t have any. It has everything to do with m’s character, what kind of person she is, and what I’m going to continue to allow her to get away with.

    In light of the comments about me that I’ve seen her post and allow over at 2, it’s not going to be much.

  37. bar Says:

    Hopefully, she’s smart enough to understand that I know more about her than I let on. If she continues to attack my sexuality, or my personal relationships, then she’s going to get it back from me twice as good as she gives… and she’s going to get it back in the form of some very public humiliation. ~ Irish

    So your threat of public humiliation if she didn’t stop “attacking” your “sexuality” was just an oxymoronic sentence. Because it makes no threats and you have no demands. And because we all know that you cant publicly humiliate someone with all ready “public” information.
    Am I missing something, besides your anti-logic?

  38. Irish Rose Says:

    Keep spinning, bar.
    You’re going nowhere.

    Good evening.

    • African Moondog Says:

      Good Grief!
      I cannot believe that I have read that thread. Rose you should be ashamed of yourself, posting threats like that.

      In fact this is a major reason why LGF01 is not what it once was. Decent people like GOTC and Vapig get banned for Lord knows what. Contrarians such as the Nogrod and Chen who spiced the place up while obeying the rules get shafted, while Irish Rose, Sharmutant and Mandy Manners post threats and obscenities and break every rule in the LFG book and yet continue to remain unbanned.

      • African Moondog Says:

        Er Defenseman,

        In the thread of your first post you wrote…. “negative comments will stay as long as they are not abusive or obscene. It’s the same policy as at LGF. You are free to disagree here as there, as long as you behave.”

        Is Irish Rose exempt from that rule as at LGF?

      • Anonymous Says:

        And you’re gclaghorn/m too, aren’t you?

      • gclaghorn Says:

        Shut up, anonymous, you idiot. I am not African Moondog, M, or anyone else except myself.

        Pompous asshole.

      • Sarge Says:

        You forgot Walter L. Newton… foul mouthed, argumentative, an all around (round! a joke!) nasty “little” boy to any person with whom he disagrees. A very visible entity at 1.0.

        Irish Rose? Is HE your “6 ft 5, 240 lb swede with fat bank account and a taste for classy women, high living and expensive cars”?

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      Is Irish Rose exempt from that rule as at LGF?>>

      EVERYONE at “LGF1” is exempt from that rule, until Charles takes a dislike to them. Then they get banned, outed, and called names.

      What an asshole he is.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        How many mair years dae ye plan oan greetin aboot gettin banned fur bein a prick?

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      I wasn’t banned. I quit. You know that. Eat shit.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        So whit ur ye greetin aboot then an how many years de ye plan oan greetin aboot THAT?

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        What? You think you can just shit on people, Charles, and expect them to remain silent?

        Like I said. You’re like the asshole thug in high school who sucker punches someone in the kidney and then says, “Hey, can’t take a joke?”

  39. Anonymous Says:

    A Nonny Moose is correct. A practical demonstration is exactly what I’d call it. Crazy, deluded people proudly displaying it to the world.

    I think they’re also bitter, miserable people who can’t walk away from a situation they themselves think is bad. Methinks this extends to their real lives as well. Unhappy at home or work- perhaps both. And willing to stay that way.

    Charles took away your escape from your miserable realities, and now all your problems are his fault. Your issues are not his responsibility, nor is it his responsibility you have an escape from them. Fix your problems or ignore them, but it’s your responsibility and no one else’s.

    Or continue to obsess and grant the object of your ire power over you and your happiness, because that’s exactly what you’re doing.

    • African Moondog Says:

      No Anon,

      I am not gclag nor am i m.

      You said “I think they’re also bitter, miserable people who can’t walk away from a situation they themselves think is bad. Methinks this extends to their real lives as well. Unhappy at home or work- perhaps both. And willing to stay that way. ” You are talking about Irish Rose, right?

      “Charles took away your escape from your miserable realities”. No he didn’t, I never even registered there, although I used to have a daily look see. My suspicions were raised by the words “cookies must be enabled”.

      • Anonymous Says:

        You’re another paranoid mind. Watch what sites you go to- they might try to hook you up with some cookies when you’re not looking. I bet they already have.

      • African Moondog Says:

        They may well have Anon, but seeing they way Charles violated m’s privacy by outing her, I would prefer the term prudence, not paranoia.

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        They may well have Anon, but seeing they way Charles violated m’s privacy by outing her, I would prefer the term prudence, not paranoia.>>>

        Not just M. Avoiding getting raped is not paranoia, particularly once you ‘ve been raped. So it is with “outing.”

  40. Irish Rose Says:

    Are you incapable of speaking for yourself, m?

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      Are you incapable of shutting the hell up, Booze?

      • Sandy Says:

        I still wonder who it is that posted this, it doesn’t seem like DMs style. I have a feeling that this blog has more than one author.

        I do have to say this though.

        I think that if you’re going to get personal on a thread like this one, you shouldn’t be surprised if people respond.

        I see upthread that m was the one who made it personal by making a crack about IR’s sex life. She is clearly the one who started it. That kind of thing is never appropriate in a public debate, and I don’t blame IR for handing it back to her.

        It’s wrong for people to be defending that.

        anyway, peeps..

        I see over at 2 that GCp is back up, really?
        Who made this happen?

      • m Says:

        Actually, “Sandy” – I had only posted a correction (gclaghorn isn’t me) and your little ms. innocent started throwing all kinds of names around. So yep! She got a smart ass response.

        Check the time stamps.

        Irish Rose Says:

        June 22, 2009 at 9:40 am

        But ignoring your own friends’ bullshit is PAR for lgf’ers, so it does not surprise me in the least.

        Seriously, you guys need to re-read the Steps. You can’t claim not to see it when it is soooo obvious. lol

    • m Says:

      You know better.


  41. Irish Rose Says:

    Paranoia, the thread just reeks with it.

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      It surely does. And it’s *all yours.* And Charles’. He started this “stalker blog of a stalker blog of a stalker blog” (LGF1 being the ‘original stalker blog’).

    • gclaghorn Says:

      So you acknowledge your own paranoia?

    • African Moondog Says:

      When you post threats Rose, (and you know full well it is not the first time), you cannot blame folks for being wary in your presence. That is not being paranoiac, that is being sensible.

      What is with these threats anyway? Can’t you roll with the little insults that inevitably fly in a flame war without resorting to threats. That way you immediately lose the argument.

      And Defenseman says that the denizens of the Blogmocracy are psychologically challenged.

      • Anonymous Says:

        “Can’t you roll with the little insults that inevitably fly in a flame war without resorting to threats. That way you immediately lose the argument.”

        That is the central premise of the stalker blog. To insult LGF and its posters daily, and when that is not enough, they post threats. Seems the stalkers are the ones who have lost the argument, using your logic.

      • African Moondog Says:

        Anon says “That is the central premise of the stalker blog. To insult LGF and its posters daily, and when that is not enough, they post threats. Seems the stalkers are the ones who have lost the argument, using your logic.”

        Apart from Savage’s paroxysm, (for which he was immediately called to account and nobody was banned for calling him to account), I do not recall any threats on the Blogmocracy. Certainly nobody there has made threatening noises about Michelle Malkin unlike dear Charles.

        Insults are fair game and they fly both ways, remember the speculation over gclag’s genitalia on the “private” thread at LGF01? As they say “Sticks and Stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” . A good attitude which is practiced by the supposed paranoiacs.

        Threats are something else. Rose threatened m, and the result was inevitable. Go to the relevant thread in the Blogmocracy to find out. Warning-It aint pretty.

  42. bar Says:

    And isnt the central premise of this place is to insult 2.0 and those that post there?

    I see the liberal word games being played here. Irish Rose makes threats then claims she didnt, this place insults 2.0 and claims they don’t.

    I suppose that only 1.0, this place and Irish Rose are allowed to criticize.

    • Anonymous Says:

      If your intent is to criticize, then do so. If your intent is to smear, libel, foam at the mouth, and proudly display your psychosis, then by all means carry on.

      You’re not entitled to a free pass on your behavior. Run around like unhinged lunatics and someone is likely to call you on it eventually. A mirror was held up with this post. That the stalkers wouldn’t like it is obvious, but to spend days proving the point is pitiable.

      And do watch out for Defenseman’s cookies. I heard they’re capable of getting your Social Security number.

  43. Anonymous Says:

    Defenseman aka Hoosier Hoops is Bill Shur or Schur.

    • defenseman Says:

      Keep guessing.

    • HoosierHoops Says:

      Hello all.. First time here.. A friend told me somebody was trying to figure out my ID on the net here… And anon..You are getting close….
      Who the fuck are you trying to call me out? I don’t even know you…
      So kkep up the research you little fuck…I’m positive you will find your answers..Probably not the answer you desire..
      I won’t hide from you pal….
      Have a nice day

  44. paladin Says:

    IR you claim you have a fiance with a fat bank account, then why all that angst about a career either in Medical Billing or Transcription if your future husband is well off?

    • Irish Rose Says:

      Because some women insist on standing on their own two feet in life, instead of welching off men that they aren’t married to (yet).

      That’s why.

      • paladin Says:

        What about the car you almost lost to the repo man? If I was the rich stud Swede I would never let my woman have to worry about things like that. Also do you think that your son in the military needs to read about his mothers weekend sexual escapades on a blog?

  45. loppyd Says:

    Irish Rose,

    How’s that hit list coming, you flaming hypocrite.

    Stay classy, Rose.

    • defenseman Says:

      Loppy, you went nuts when people critiqued comments that another commentor, GotC made over on LGF 2.0 regarding eugenics. Speak for yourself, hypocrite.

      • paladin Says:

        Baloney Defenseman (or should I say Hoosier Hoops?). She (loppyd) spoke her mind and then you and Sharmuta like a couple of agitated hair dressers went running to Chuck and cried “Oh pleaes ban loppyd, she did not play nice with us”. Well you know what? It is LGF’s loss because now LGF is a total snooze.

      • loppyd Says:

        I went nuts? Surely you must be referring to others who post at LGF.

        GOTC was called “trash” when someone inquired as to her whereabouts and I spoke out in her defense. When people started getting preachy and sanctimonious I pointed out that if LGF was so pure and above the fray then to explain why Irish Rose was keeping a hit list of posters for nefarious reasons and that Sharmuta’s entire existence on LGF is based on a stack of lies that could reach Pluto, yet she gets a pass along with her 4:00 a.m. fruit cup.

        It had nothing to do with comments GOTC made at another blog. It had everything to do with people deigning to be the arbiters of purity while acting in a manner that they themselves were so quick to condemn.

      • paladin Says:

        People were trashing GoTC when she could not respond and defend herself and GoTC who is a sincere Christian who maintained a prayer list and never trashed anyone on LGF including W-lover/I’madhimmi/Polish Infidel/Crazy8’s/Sharmuta deserved to be defended – which loppyd did most vigorously as she wiped out all you Charles Johnson slaves. What loppyd did was righteous thing and I am proud to say that she is my friend.

      • m Says:

        Please show me what comments you guys claim to be critiquing. GOTC never said a bad word about you guys, and you piled on to her like she stole your puppy.

  46. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    “Charles is a great man and has courage.He stands up to bullies and Fascists. He is a true symbol of freedom for our times”…

    “…and I am the Queen of Roumania!”

  47. bar Says:

    If your intent is to criticize, then do so. If your intent is to smear, libel, foam at the mouth, and proudly display your psychosis, then by all means carry on ~ Anonymous

    I have criticized both the accusations made here in the post and the ones made by Irish Rose.
    I never suggested that 2.0 was above reproach. Or that we should not be criticized.
    We (2.0) are open to criticism just like everyone else. Oh no, there I go showing my foaming at the mouth paranoia psychosis, it must be someone elses fault, now who should I blame?

    practical demonstration is exactly what I’d call it. Crazy, deluded people proudly displaying it to the world. ….. I think they’re also bitter, miserable people who can’t walk away from a situation they themselves think is bad. ~ Anonymous

    Ironically, you should take your own advice, unless your intent is just to smear foam at the mouth, and proudly display your psychosis?
    I guess that talk about crazy bitter clinger people is just criticism, nobody from 2.0 would take that as an insult and its clearly not a foaming at the mouth smear. Just like Irish Rose saying the 2.0 site should be razed to the ground is not an insult and of course we all know she inst trying to blackmail anyone!

  48. bar Says:

    Oh, and forgot to add. I would like to thank whoever runs this site for allowing me to reply to the accusations made.

  49. Libby Walker Says:

    I’m surprised Pamela Geller was only briefly mentioned in this article. She fits all the criteria herself besides #3. She blames others, is constantly paranoid, holds grudges, and thinks she’s perfect. Can’t even admit when she’s spreading nazi propaganda. She’s never wrong, just drunk.

    • defenseman Says:

      In addition, Pam seems to have a knack for cognitive dissonance. She spreads the nazi propaganda of the Vlaams Belang and BNP while condemning Pat Buchanan for the same type of comments. It is truly bizarre.

  50. Sandy Says:

    m Says:
    June 23, 2009 at 11:25 am

    Actually, “Sandy” – I had only posted a correction (gclaghorn isn’t me) and your little ms. innocent started throwing all kinds of names around. So yep! She got a smart ass response.

    I post where you post, and I see what you write on this blog, lblogmocracy and on others. From my perspective, her assessment of your character is pretty accurate.


    • m Says:

      No need to apologize. It’s not like I give a shit what you think 🙂 I was trying to help you guys out so you wouldn’t look like complete liars, but if you don’t mind… why should I?


      Carry on!

  51. Nodrog Says:

    LGF 2.0 is an abomination. Grouchy Conservative Pundits (formerly Gulf Coast Pundits) is also an abomination, even the more so since they were booted by their former webmaster for glorifying in the death of Dr. Tiller.

    But then LGF is run by a paranoid twit who would not hold up well to the rigorous psychological analysis propounded by the writer of this post, so:


    • defenseman Says:

      Paranoia, Gordon? Speak for yourself. Read your comments, seen your reactions, read your blogs. You seem to thrive on your own paranoia.

    • A Nonny Moose Says:


    • Sarge Says:

      The original twat, calls nodroG a twat… oh the huge manatee.

      Besides, due to the grammatical errors- I doubt that’s the original one-and-only Gordon.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        Dinnae know or care who its suppose tae be.

        Whit’s yoor gripe onyway? Please dae spill the beans oan the heart rendin story o how ye came tae be emoshunally and otherwise mentally damaged by the evil CJ. Ah promise tae laugh at the funny bits, cry at the sad bits*, and gie sympathy where it’s due.

        *We may differ of course oan exactly whit bits o yer story constichoot the funny an sad bits.

      • Sarge Says:

        I move every zig, for great justice. I also speak the King’s fucking English.

        What’s your excuse, Moose?

      • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

        All your moose are belong to us! :0D

  52. dirka dirka dirka Says:

    just wanted to chime in, I clicked the Irish Rose chick’s link to see her picture…she’s not ugly. Fat yes, ugly, not really.

  53. Irish Rose Says:

    * paladin Says:
    June 23, 2009 at 4:29 pm

    What about the car you almost lost to the repo man? If I was the rich stud Swede I would never let my woman have to worry about things like that. Also do you think that your son in the military needs to read about his mothers weekend sexual escapades on a blog?

    I pay cash for my cars.

    And I’m pretty sure that my very irish and very adult marine would be laughing his ass off, if he could see his very irish mum taking catty-but-oh-so-gullible biotches like m down a notch, while playing career idiots like loppyd up there like a cheap fiddle.

    Have a nice evening.

    • paladin Says:

      You did not take her down and calling her a bitch is how shall I say – low class. Chuck the middle aged pony tailed hippie (or as you love to refer to him so respectfully as “Mr. Johnson”) would be proud of you.
      Btw have you noticed that nobody links to LGF any more? Conservatives despise him and leftists do not trust him. Brilliant!

      • Anonymous Says:

        Proving what a snooze LGF is with one obsessed comment at a time.

        Has it ever occurred to you CJ might not care about popularity?

    • loppyd Says:

      Last time I checked you haven’t responded to me yet you have played me like a cheap fiddle?

      Judging from your tedious drama queen posts on LGF, I’d be careful about calling people idiots.

      • m Says:

        And she’s calling me a bully, while trying to bully everyone on this page. Too funny~

        Love ya LoppyD! I’m glad you finally got out of there! lol

    • paladin Says:

      You could not even lay a finger on loppyd. loppyd could bring you to tears in 10 minutes in any one on one clash (and you can have NY Nana, Mandy Manners, and Sharmooota on your side). loppyd v. Irish Rose is like the 2007 New England Patriots v. the 2008 Detroit Lions. Btw why do you have to pay cash for cars? Is your credit that bad?

  54. Anonymous Says:

    Paldin says LGF is a snooze. That explains why you spend your time obsessing on it, like all of the other commenters here. Why don’t you prove how snooze worthy it is by not talking about it and letting go of your bitterness and animosity?

    Also, do you have proof that Defenseman is who you claim he is, or that anyone contacted Charles about loppyd? Perhaps you have figured out how to read minds? You could make a lot of money in Vegas.

    • paladin Says:

      Reading your minds is easy. You are like those kids in the 1960 movie The Village of the Damned in which you echo everything that Chuck Johnson says. As for Defenseman I know who he is and frankly I don’t care what he has to say. It is you LGFers who are the obsessed ones. We at AoSHQ, Hot Air, and LGF 2 laugh at LGF 1 with its unimaginably dull threads about Intelligent Design, Creationism, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, obscure jazz musicians, etc. Check out his Alexa traffic.

      • Anonymous Says:

        Again- you fail to take into account that CJ might not care about popularity.

      • gclaghorn Says:

        Anonymous: It’s VERY obvious that Chuckles doesn’t care about traffic.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        If he didny care aboot traffic that wid be tae his credit. But naebody takes Alexa seriously anyway, except mibbe the gullible. Like yersels.

  55. Anonymous Says:

    “Crazy8’s” does not exist in the LGF repository.

    Paranoid and making up claims. Forget Vegas. You could work for TNR.

    • loppyd Says:

      I see you are not disputing the others. Perhaps she never got around to registering that sock.

    • paladin Says:

      She was also Dubya. She used to be one of the most conservative posters on LGF until she had a CJ inpired epiphany an dnow sounds a lot like Contessa Brewer of MSNBC.

  56. Anonymous Says:

    I saw them in the repository. I fail to see why it should concern me if CJ doesn’t care if a person changed their user name.

    • loppyd Says:

      She didn’t just change her name.

      • Aerodrone Says:

        Oh noes! Not…the nics! Honestly, you and the others trot that out like it is supposed to be a bombshell and is supposed to change anyone’s opinion of her. It doesn’t.

        Do go on, though. A grudge like that is worth 2000 points of cred on 2.0. Your brand of spittle and venom should make you a star there. Such sweet people!

      • Anonymous Says:

        Sour grapes make bitter wine. Perhaps you should dwell on something more productive instead of nursing grudges.

  57. A Nonny Moose Says:

    How sad must folk be tae want tae spend the rest o their lives obsessin aboot gettin banned fae a website? A website thit they oxymoronically dismiss 100 times a day as ‘irrelevant’ oan a blog thit’s named efter it, and where every secont post is aboot sumhin sumbday at LGF has said.

    Even oan yer faithers day threid yese didny make it past the first comment withoot greetin aboot CJ aw over again. Yese can gie yersels aw the applause yese want, and I would encourage that cuz it gies yese confidince tae be even mair schoopit next time yese open yer gubs, but here’s the hing – everyboady else that’s no a part of the shrinkin, festerin lunatic wing o the amurcan right is laughin thur heids aff at yese.

  58. A Nonny Moose Says:

    If any of ye fancy a real rammy yer unvitit tae come uver here sometime. We will be glad tae extend tae ye aw the traditional hospitality we keep for dementit wee eejits like yersels.

  59. African Moondog Says:

    OK to sum up this argument:

    LGF1 fits the descriptions provided by defenseman perfectly.
    LGF2 fits the descriptions provided by defenseman less perfectly.
    A Nonny Moose does not fit any of those descriptions at all but he remains a perfect idiot.

    • r Says:

      ninny moose is Jimmah, resident self abuser @ 1.0

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        # r Says:
        June 24, 2009 at 3:53 am | Reply

        ninny moose is Jimmah, resident self abuser @ 1.0

        Naw am urnie. Ye can try again but ye’ll be guessin fur a long time cos ahm no even registered yet at LGF.

    • Foot Says:

      But only one of the two sites is friggin’ NAMED after the other site. Let’s see if you can guess which it is. That’s the definition of obsessive. That’s an argument ender, right there.

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        Aye. Only one is named efter the other site, an only one of them has threids every day about the other site. An only one of them is a hing oot for extreme right wing (no tae menshun one or two left wing as weel) morons wi severe personality problems, who post like this:

        102. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:08 pm reply

        re: #101 by savage

        I hope he ends up a homeless Crack Head and gets busted by the police.

        106. savage on 24 June, 2009 at 6:12 pm reply

        re: #102 by Rodan

        Yeah, the cops used to take people like that behind the woodshed and work them over with billyclubs

        109. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:25 pm reply

        re: #106 by savage

        If Charles was homeless, it would be funny having some drunks piss on him! he really is lowlife and I hope he ends up a Homeless Bum that everyone can mock. It would be great seeing that loser on a corner and a car runs a puddle and it hits him and gets him dirty

        112. savage on 24 June, 2009 at 6:27 pm reply

        re: #109 by Rodan

        And watch him vomit all over himself from all that cheap booze

        114. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:29 pm reply

        re: #112 by savage

        Th best would be having Charles beg a dealer for crack!

        Charles would get on his knees and offer!

        117. Speranza on 24 June, 2009 at 6:34 pm reply

        re: #109 by Rodan

        Ooh Irish Rose and Defenseman (aka Hoosier Hoops) will be denouncing you as a ‘hater’

        119. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:36 pm reply

        re: #117 by Speranza

        I do hate Charles Icarus. He’s a fake phony 2 Face asshole.

        Irish Rose is a street Hooker that offers herself for sale. Her Pimp puts her in her place

        121. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:40 pm reply

        re: #120 by savage

        Irish Rose is a street Hooker. That swede is her client. She runs tricks.

        123. savage on 24 June, 2009 at 6:42 pm reply

        re: #121 by Rodan

        Does she get a hot poker up her ass? LOL

        128. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:47 pm reply

        re: #126 by Speranza

        She’s a street trick. Charles probably pimps out her and Sharmuta!

        138. savage on 24 June, 2009 at 6:54 pm reply

        re: #135 by Speranza

        That fat cunt is so much like Rosie O’Donnell it’s scary

        140. Rodan on 24 June, 2009 at 6:55 pm reply

        Hey Defenseman AKA Hoosier Hoops, you writing this down you Punk?

      • A Nonny Moose Says:

        Aye – it’s gettin written doon, genius. Once again, naebody could possibly make the case fur LGF2’s patheticness, mental unhingyness, and moral rectumtude mair effectively than LGF2, wi their ain words.

    • A Nonny Moose Says:

      If that’s yer assessment then you’re the eejit.

  60. Anonymous Says:

    Nonny Moose- I think it’s very thoughtful of CJ to give these poor creatures a purpose in life.

    • Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

      Charles simply can’t look in the mirror and see that he has become the blogging equivalent of Michael Jackson after plastic surgery. All we’re doing is holding up the glass for him to see.

      • Anonymous Says:

        There is a gaping hole in your life that you’ve filled with CJ obsession. It’s pitiable.

      • Sarge Says:

        I heard that since Michael Jackson had so much plastic added to him, they’re gonna melt him down into Lego blocks… so now little boys can play with HIM.

  61. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    I’m not obsessed. I’m pissed off. And he has only himself to thank.

  62. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    I’m not GOING to let it go.

    The SOB is an active public menace and the public needs to be warned.

  63. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    P.S. Charles hasn’t learned that slander and libel are forever, and the harmful shit that he spreads about other people won’t go away. Therefore he should expect to get a public reaction so long as he persists in his viscious and nasty net-behavior.

  64. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    P.P.S. If he wants me to let it go the least he can do is fucking apologize.

  65. Richard L. Kent, Esq. Says:

    I learned a long time ago that you confront evil or it eats you. And his behavior is evil.

    • Sarge Says:

      Eh, I don’t know about Hitler evil… maybe evil in a sort of Rick Moranis/Dark Helmet kind of way.

      (Link in name relevant)

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