The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ed

Ed Mahmoud, also known as Ed of Many Names, and Ed the Weatherman. Ed seemed like a likable character on LGF. He talked about how he got drunk here, there, everywhere, and gave the weather. However, there was a sinister side to him, one that appeared after his buddies got banned for their comments and lack of discretion. Ed started to repost items from LGF over at a blog called Gulf Coast Pundit (GCP) for his buddies to ridicule. Mr. Johnson caught wind of this and subsequently banned Ed. Ed apparently apologized for it and was left back in only to do it all over again. Then he got banned a second time for the act. After the second time, Ed, instead of being a gentleman and accepting his banning, whined to everyone and anyone on the internet about his banning.

Ed often refers to Mr. Johnson as “Chuckles the Clown”, sometimes as “Chuckles the Dancing Clown”.

Censorship that Chuckles the Dancing Clown approves of, obviously.

With such childish taunts, he commonly posts a picture of a clown of some sort. Sometimes it is a clown with a guitar (an allusion to Mr. Johnson being a jazz guitarist, I guess), sometimes it is a Ronald McDonald type clown with blood on its hands and mouth, and at other times it is a clown as featured in Stephen King’s “It”. Ed seems to have a clown fetish.

As mentioned above, Ed went a bit nuts right after his banning. Instead of letting it go, he posted stuff like this:

He is very thin skinned, has a very delicate ego, and if there is any money left from Pajama Medias, a nice vacation to Europe while Roger Simon or Allah Pundit run the blog would do him a world of good. 4 years of 14 hour days running the blog without getting away, can’t be good for him.

Of course Johnson bans for dissent. Fjordman was banned for that. About half the peopel [sic] at Gulf Coast Pundit were banned simply because Charles recognized them as posting at both blogs, even the ones who never spoke about LGF at GCP.
Gates of Vienna

Later on, Bodissey told Ed that he was not to post his weather information at Gates of Vienna. Swell bunch of friends he found there. Quite funny when you consider that Mr. Johnson was allowing Ed to post his weather-related material, and Bodissey wants to censor it. How’s that for censorship, Ed?

Ed’s last comments on LGF were on November 19, 2007, but you’ll never find the corresponding GCP comments for that date. The forum only goes back to early 2008.

Mr. Johnson gave his reason for why Ed was finally banned from LGF.

Charles 11/20/07 7:52:32 am

Since people are wondering why Ed was banned, here’s why — he was copying and pasting my comments at the creepy stalker blog, for the wonderful people over there to bash and mock. It has nothing to do with anything he posted here. I can’t stop those creeps from obsessing over me, but I don’t have to put with two-faced backstabbers in my own site.

No, one should not have to put up with such behavior, especially on one’s own website. That is why Ed was banned, not due to any censorship issues.

Ed just couldn’t help reposting material for the banned to mock over at GCP. His is an example of a rather extreme meltdown, but a meltdown that many others have had nonetheless.

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10 Responses to “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ed”

  1. Ed Mahmoud Says:


  2. Michelle Says:

    * Render Says:
    May 16, 2009 at 9:54 pm

    Where do you think I lied?

    Mistaking Jeppo the racist VB supporter from Canada with Bottehond the Danish VB supporter? Like I said, it was a fairly easy mistake and one that I have already apologized for and corrected.

    Or is that what you took away from the Stephen Roth Center at Tel Aviv University reports, or perhaps you did not bother to read the uncomfortable truth?

    I never took you for a psychotic stalker, nor a defender of Holocaust deniers and racists.

    Yet there you are…

    Get another hobby, you’re in way over your head.


    There ya go, did it again! Liar. Talk to sharmie baby about stalkers (lol) and I have never defended a damn Holocaust denier or racist in my life. I may have defended their free speech to say what they want to, but to deny the holocaust is beyond the pale and you have a twisted mind if you think I have ever done such a thing.

    Just because you disagree with someone’s point of view does NOT mean you can just keep spreading lies about them.

    I thought better of you.

  3. Anon Says:

    I must admit, I’ve grown to very much dislike Johnson and his acolytes – but it has been a long process. I’ve also noted that Johnson and his people have been “loose with the truth” of late, nowadays trying to claim that Ron Paul is a ‘racist’ (despite his comments to the contrary).

    Whatever Mr. Mahmoud did to get himself banned, I doubt that we’ll get an accurate account of it from the lizard crowd. They have already shown themselves to be willing to repeatedly debase their integrity and use outright lies in his defense. I’d just as soon wait for others from the dissident community to give me the full story.

  4. Athos Says:

    To Anon:

    How fitting for the Paulbots to move around to bash LGF and Charles….particularly using a very similar argument to that used by the typical Euro-fascist who dislikes the light shining on their pathetic actions.

    Let’s talk about Laup Nor for a bit…..Lew Rockwell, a former COS of Luap Nor, has published racist rants at his site, and done so in Luap Nor newsletters he wrote…as linked by LGF, is a racist. They enjoy the company of racists….Luap Nor refused to repudiate contributions made by the Stormfront racists, so apparently he has little challenges around racism and fascists as long as they contribute to the only man who can save America.

    Of course, your anon feelings regarding Charles, LGF, or those who post there are ultimately inconsequential. But its disappointing that you failed to produce any ‘facts’ for your opinon. It would have made the clue by four so much more enjoyable to deliver.

    I’m an old-timer on LGF. I still post there – so feel free to come and debate. Charles only bans those who repeatedly defecate in his ‘house’ – or on him – not those who disagree…as I have on occasion disagreed with him – but done so respectfully. (hint – that’s the secret – be respectful of whose house you are in.)

    • Anon Says:

      I’m not a “Paulbot”. I consider the man something of an idealist, and indeed someone who has an unrealistic and naive view of the world. He is certainly surrounded by a coterie of odd characters, some of whom are most certainly racists through word and deed. But he is himself quite clearly not a “racist”, in any sense of the term, and only a minimum of research on that issue would come up with Rep. Paul’s comments disproving that assertion.


      Ron Paul’s response:

      “Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals . . . By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racists . . . we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.”

      Calling me a “Paulbot” when I object to deliberate lies about Ron Paul is akin to calling people “fascists” for calling Dan Rather on his deceptions reqarding George W. Bush. I was banned from LGF for admitting to being a Catholic, not for supporting Ron Paul (I do not support Ron Paul’s attempts to become president and am politically a Republican, not a libertarian). But I have noted some particularly strident, undeserved assertions against the man, which amount to nothing more principled than a campaign of character assassination. Nor is he the only target of Charles Johnson’s frequently unjustifiable abuse.

      If you believe me inconsequential, that is your perogative. But I also happen to be correct in my own assertions. One of them is that Charles Johnson wants orthodoxy, not “respect”. I myself behaved far better in Johnson’s “house” than you have with me thus far. Nor are so many of those banned from LGF within the last few months lying when they claim to have been unfairly abused and kicked while behaving with the most decency and deference – they likewise were discarded because of going against the LGF Party Line, not for the manner in which they attempted to do so.

      Like I said before. I am disturbed by the ease in which Johnson and his acolytes have become of late regarding misrepresenting the truth in pursuit of theiur curious brand of ideology. I have lost trust in their professionalism and integrity, and thus will look elsewhere when trying to get the final word on issues of the day. That especially goes for anyone the Lizard Army is trying to humiliate or abuse at the moment – they simply have proven themselves to be utterly unreliable sources of facts, and capable of the most petty antics in defense of their “leader”.

      If you like, take your above posting as partial evidence to that effect.

  5. The Poster Formerly Known as Gordon Says:

    For the full story about Ed the Weatherman’s banning, I suggest a visit to He’s a case study.

    Ed’s a rather interesting character – both in terms of someone you would want to buddy up with in a bar and someone who would be an interesting study in abnormal psychology.

    But he didn’t deserve his LGF banning. And he’s certainly taken it out on the Lizard Tyrant in spades over at GCP.

    You might want to look up an LGF character (briefly) named “Gunther,” around November 2008, for some fun LGF hijinks involving Ed and one of the chief LGF reputation-inflaters, the pathetic Realwest.

    • Anon Says:

      Thanks. I’ll look into it.

      Might I say, your helpful and respectful manner is most refreshing. It’s appreciated.

  6. The Poster Formerly Known as Gordon Says:

    The other interesting thing about Ed is that he is an interesting combination of Texas redneck and rabid Roman Catholic. That’s worthy of psycho-social study all by itself.

  7. The Poster Formerly Known as Gordon Says:

    By the way, that was quite a vicious little flamewar on the first thread, Mr. defenseman! It reminded me of the good ol’ days on early LGF, before Charles lowered the boom on dissent.

  8. African Moondog Says:


    You do start the best flame wars in cyberspace.

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